How I got a pet chicken



I am Captain Dioxide. I got the most sustainable pet recently — a chicken! We found Hammer, and she did belong to somebody across the , but the kind owners let us keep her.

Chickens are sustainable because they, 1, can eat your food scraps so you don’t need to throw them out, and, 2, they lay eggs for you, so you can stop worrying about buying eggs from cruel farms. They are also quite easy to look after and are fun to play with, and the noises they make are calming. Plus, chicken poo is a very good fertiliser for your garden.

If you live in a small house or have a small backyard, and your family wants to get a chicken, you could get a bantam, just like I did, because they are small and need less room.

We did research and discovered that Chickens have body language and verbal language. It in sounds like a chicken is crying (arrrrrh! Aaaaaarh! Buck! ) It actually means they feel safe!