Embark on missions to save the environment

Complete a Profile
  • 5 min
  • 1 Leaf

Complete a Profile

This is you!

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The Last Straw
  • on-going
  • 5 Leaves

The Last Straw

Plastic straws must become a thing of the past

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Find and Share Knowledge
  • 20 minutes - 1 hour
  • 8 Leafs

Find and Share Knowledge

This is how we create and spread awareness

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Local park cleanup
  • 30 minutes
  • 10 Leaves

Local park cleanup

Tidy up the nearby park and enjoy clean environment

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Book Writer
  • Take your time!
  • 7 leaves

Book Writer

Want to write a book with us?

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Environmental Experience
  • on-going
  • 8 Leaves

Environmental Experience

Let's report on our Environmental experiences!

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  • on-going
  • 5 Leaves


Turn off the lights in your house when nobody is using them

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Environmental Report
  • on-going
  • 5 Leaves

Environmental Report

Turn off the lights in your house when nobody is using them

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