Tidy up the nearby park and enjoy clean environment

Local park cleanup


    30 minutes


    10 Leaves






Tidy up the nearby park and enjoy clean environment.


The goal of this mission is to learn how to not waste electricity.


  • The park is goingtobe a lot tidier
  • By cleaning the litter in it, you prevent it from going into the ocean or into nature.


  • Ask your parents if they support this mission.
  • You would need gardening gloves in good shape. Don’t bring disposable gloves because that adds to the landfill. Also bring garbage bags or old plastic bags with no holes. Get compostable ones if you can!
  • Organise day and time for the cleanup.
  • Invite everyone you can, your friends and family, maybe your classmates.
  • Ask them to bring the things in “what you need!”.

ll them to bring the things in “what you need!”. On the day of the cleanup, everyone puts on the gloves, and scouts for rubbish in the park. If you want to turn it into a game, you could see who can find the most. Put the rubbish in the bags, and put them in the bin when you’re finished.


If the people in the cleanup are a part of EnviroKiddos, everyone can write a report!

You can film a bit of the cleanup and upload it, or take photos. On the video talk about the park you cleaned.

Tell us the weirdest things you found, the response of other people seeing you clean, how you felt at the end, and how much you found.

If you took photos, then write about it in the report.

Captain Dioxide

Captain Dioxide

1 planet, 1 chance, 1000 opportunities.

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