This is how we create and spread awareness

Find and Share Knowledge


    20 minutes - 1 hour


    8 Leafs




Yes, believe it or not, there are other websites about sustainable living! In this mission we want you to find one of those websites about sustainable living, or a video about it, that is good for kids and send the link to us with the report.


To find a website on the internet (you might already know about it) and send us a link to it so we can put it on the knowledge base. Benefits:


The websites and videos you send us can educate kids like you and give them a place to study so they can be more sustainable.


Answer the Following Questions:

  • Get a parent or trusted adult/sibling over 13 to come and help you.
  • Search up words like “sustainable websites for kids” and “eco kids” on a search engine. Look for different websites and videos about sustainability that are fun and good for kids. A tip: add the words “for kids” and the end of your search if it doesn’t already have the word “kids” in it.
  • Once you find it, copy and paste a link of the web page into your report.


Send us an email with the link in it, and what the video/website is called, and what it is about (other than sustainability. Like Fauna, or Water.)

Captain Dioxide

Captain Dioxide

1 planet, 1 chance, 1000 opportunities.

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