This is you!

Complete a Profile


    5 min


    1 Leaf




Super-man can fly. Spider-Man can shoot webs. Wonder-Woman can use her Lasso. If you are a part of EnviroKiddos, you are a Superhero, too! And, every Superhero has a name, a superpower, and the best ones have a slogan or catchphrase, too. So, It’s time for you to make one!


You aren’t a superhero if, for example, your name is Pablo, and then when your off to save the world, Instead of your friends saying something such as,‘Look, It’s Leaf-Man!’ They’d have to say, ‘It’s Super Pablo!’ Because you didn’t have a real Superhero name. Create your Super-Sustainable Identity!


  • You sound much cooler when you are being sustainable.
  • A bit of fun!


Answer the Following Questions:

  • What Is your Superhero Name? Do not use your real name in this, such as ‘SuperJessica’. Also, It should relate to sustainability. Here’s an example: SealSavior.
  • What Is your Superhero Power? This is the stuff you do to be sustainable. It should relate to your Superhero name. Here’s an Example to go with SealSavior: Protect Marine life, Help stop coral Bleaching. You should have 2-5 powers.
  • What Is your Superhero Slogan? These should relate to your powers, and be short and easy to Remember. Example to go with the other Examples: The Ocean has Emotion.
Captain Dioxide

Captain Dioxide

1 planet, 1 chance, 1000 opportunities.

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