Thriving flora is essential to live

  • Date :01 Sep, 2021
  • Category :

Lots of things are made from wood: Chairs, the floors of houses, bedframes, and a lot more. But where does this wood come from? You probably know that wood comes from trees, right? But where are the trees from? In most cases, they come from forests and other places where animals live. Every minute, an area the size of a football field gets chopped down in the Amazon Rainforest. In the USA, they have less than 4% of their original forest.

People sometimes plant a new tree after they chop one down, but they often don’t, and so the number of trees we have are declining rapidly. This is bad for 2 reasons:

  • Trees breathe in carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, which we cannot breathe, and breathe out Oxygen, the main thing we need to breathe. ** We are running out of resources. One day, we will have no trees left.

I know this is hard to hear but, unfortunately, it’s the truth and we must deal with it. We need to get our councils and governments planting more trees, and you can even plant one in your garden with a parent’s help. Then there’s also endangered plants.

There are many plants in the world, but just like animals, many species of plant are critically endangered. The Dracaena draco, for example, also known as the dragon tree. The Nepenthes, Maybe, too…