Thriving fauna is essential to live

  • Date :01 Sep, 2021
  • Category :

If you ask a 6-year-old to draw a farm, what do they draw? Usually a sunny day, rolling green hills, happy animals, and a farmer. But you may already know that this isn’t always the case. Most animal farms are just a big shed, with a few different machines surrounding it, and a few trucks. Inside the shed, you might find cows, each one locked in a cage that is only just big enough for them, where they can’t even move. You could also find hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pigs crowded together, who know nothing of sunlight and trees. Chickens probably end up as the worst of them: squashed together in a dark room, so crowded they can barely walk, that have only ever eaten one food.

These sheds are often so crowded and poorly sanitised that they need to feed the animals antibiotics, which is like a type of medicine. They need to feed them so many antibiotics, more used for animals than people! All these facts not only torture animals, but the environment, too, in many ways.

After reading this, people mostly think something like, “Oh, no! Its bad people are hurting these poor animals.” Not all animals! Many people have pet dogs, cats, and other cute animals. So why do we accept some animals into our family and leave others in dark sheds? Many people have already stared adopting pigs, (they are almost as smart as some dogs and behave a lot like dogs when they are happy) or, maybe, if your family is looking for a new pet, get a chicken so you don’t have to worry about getting eggs from bad farms?

There are other things, too. As our population of humans grow, we build more farms. Where? On habitats that are otherwise homes to animals. We chop down so many trees to build things, that animals that are already starting to linger around the “CRITICALLY ENDANGERED” section of how endangered an animal is (There is a system that is used to tell how endangered an animal is. The categories are, from least to most endangered, LEAST CONCERN, NEAR THREATENED, VUNERABLE, ENDANGERED, CRITICALLY ENDANGERED, EXCTINCT IN THE WILD, EXTINCT) are about to move to “EXCTINICT IN THE WILD”. We better be careful, or one day we will be living in a lonely world with barely any animals…