Clean energy is essential to sustainability

  • Date :01 Sep, 2021
  • Category :

More than 150 years ago, you’d need to light candles and fire to get light. Now, all you need to do is flick a switch! This, you probably know, uses energy to light a lightbulb. But where does the energy come from? Most of us take this energy for granted, but you’re really lucky to have it.

It mostly comes from Fossil Fuel Factories, which burn fossil fuels(like coal and gas) to make electricity. This is bad for 2 reasons:

  • One day in the not so distant future we will run out of fossil fuels, and
  • It puts greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

But there are other sources of energy! Behold! The solar panels! They catch light from the sun and turn it into electricity. Or… the wind turbine!! They use wind to activate a magnet that makes energy. There are many ways that sustainable energy can be made, and many more to be discovered… so get discovering!