Climate change is a major threat for the planet

  • Date :01 Sep, 2021
  • Category :

You may have heard things like ‘the Earth is getting hotter!’ recently. It seems a bit strange, but, it’s true. And it’s not a very good thing. If the earth keeps getting hotter, soon it will just be too hot. Recently, the world’s climate has been getting hotter and disasters have happened: Heatwaves in America, The least abount of ice recorded ever in Antarctica, Floods in Australia, and europe, too. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the global average temperature has risen by 1 degree. that does not sound like much, but actually, it’s a lot.

What is causing the world to get hotter? Pollution. Usually when things burn(like petrol in a car, wood in a bushfire, coal) they release greenhouse gasses, which are composed of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour. All the gasses float up to the top of the atmosphere, where they build up to create a layer of greenhouse gasses in the air. Then, when heat from the sun comes to earth, the greenhouse gasses trap the heat in the atmosphere and gets hotter. This is certanly one of the biggest problems, and if we don’t do something about it, eventually the earth will be a giant desert.

The world is going to need your help.