Clean air is essential to live

  • Date :01 Sep, 2021
  • Category :

Air: It’s what we breathe in, what trees breathe out, what every living thing needs to remain living. Without it, Earth would be more lifeless than Mars, which doesn’t seem to have life at the moment. What would we do without clean air?

But seriously, we might need to start thinking about that.

The air it being polluted. Being filled with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses, from smoke. Smoke from monstrous bushfires, Burning petrol inside vehicles, and everything else that makes smoke, including some factories. I suggest if you want to know more about greenhouse gasses you read the Climate cause when you have finished this one.

One day, there will be nothing left to breathe.

But! There is a way to fix this! Like I said, Trees breathe in carbon dioxide ,and out clean, fresh oxygen. That is why everyone is crazy about trees, and they should be. So get planting! With the help from a parent you could plant a tree in your backyard (it is a good idea to tell them first) to play your little part. Did you know a human needs about 4 trees to be able to breathe?