The more Superheroes, the better for the environment

Superhero Training


They are the activities everyone is tasked with. They affect the environment in a good way. You can choose what Missions you do, and there are loads to choose from! To do a mission, go to the Endeavours section and click Missions. Choose a mission and get to work!


When you have finished a mission, you can tell the community! We love hearing about the results of your missions! This is called a mission report. Write about how you did the missions, what mission you did, how you did it, and do you recommend it for everyone else? You can find a few in the Knowledge Base section. Write your mission on a google doc or word document, and then send it to us at with a picture relating to the report/mission.

Soon after it is sent, you will earn leaves! Not real leaves, electronic leaves. They are the currency of EnviroKiddos, and once you get 50 your leaves will turn into a tree, which you can tell your friends about! Once you get a tree, you will be able to create your own missions. You will also need to send the mission to us with our email address.


All your work will go towards causes. Causes are reasons to be sustainable. There is a cause for every sustainability sub-topic. Some sub-topics include deforestation and Plastic and littering. You can read some causes to inspire you in the, you guessed it, Causes section!!


Now, what’s in the Challenges section under Endeavours section? Well, challenges, first of all, are when the grown-ups come in! Adults give EnviroKiddos some of their own tasks, such as “earn 67 leaves in a week.” This is the leaves the whole group of children need to make together. If the Kiddos can complete the challenge, they will get a reward like planting a tree or getting some new gardening gloves, decided by the adult.

Once you have done some missions and a report or two, plus maybe a challenge, you can keep doing this, while learning about how you can be sustainable in other ways, with the Knowledge Base section. It has books, tutorials, jokes, and much more to keep you busy!